SA:531 (Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology)
For Regular Student
For Regular Student
Full Marks: 100
Time: 4 hrs.
Time: 4 hrs.
Attempt any THREE questions from group 'A' and FOUR from Group 'B'
Group "A"
Long Answer Questions
1. "Structuration refers to the dynamic process whereby structures come into being and are reproduced recursively through social practices via the duality of structure." Elaborate this statement drawing upon the ideas of Anthony Giddings.
2. Drawing upon ideas of the scholars mentioned in your readings discuss the relative polarity of macro and micro perspectives and highlight of the usefulness of their integration in social analysis.
3. Social world is a cultural product of conscious process rather than an objectives reality. Explain this statement in the light of argument produced by Peter Berger and T.Luckmann in their treatise on The Social Construction of the Reality.
4. For Spencer society evolves like an organism involving growth and expansion of its structure and increasing differentiation of activities performed by its units. Elaborate.
Group "B"
5. Discuss on Durkheim's contribution to structural and functional analysis of society.
6. How Marxist perspective analysis the institution of family and marriage.
7. Pulling ideas from the world system perspectives analyze the role played by NGOs and INGOs in the context of core and peripheral societies.
8. What are the critiques made by critical theory about the failure of current body of Knowledge to contribute towards the emancipation of the population?
9. Highlight of the movements on micro-macro integration on sociological perspectives.
10. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:
a. Cooley's conception of looking glass self
b. Functional importance of social stratification
c. The idea of interpretation
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