SA 531: Theoretical perspectives in Sociology
Suggested study Questions for the Course
Contributors: Chaitanya Mishra, Krishna Bhattachan and Tulsi Ram Pandey
Note: list of study questions is meant to guide the classroom discussion and/or lectures in general .these questions may also help the students in orienting themselves to the course and preparing for their exam. Having said this it should also be noted that this list is not exhaurestive that is, not all issues pertinent to the theories or perspectives in question have been addressed by the question in this list. Depending on the 'material' covered in the classroom or based on the 'required Readings', slightly different types (or with different wordings or focus in some cases) of questions should be expected in the exams.
Unit 1: Socioligical Thinking
1. What can we learn from Sociology? Or why do we study sociology?
2. Why is sociological necessary? Why are not biological, psychological
Divine etc explanations of social organization and social?
Behavior not adequate or invalid?
3. What are the basic principles and protocols of sociology of Knowledge?
4. What is sociology of knowledge? What were the political, Economic, religious and intellectual conditions which led to the rise of sociology during the middle of the 19th century?
5. Discribe and assess the key elements of karl Marx's view of society.
Write short notes on:
1. Describe what C. Wright Mills meant by 'the sociological imagination', why is such imagination useful?
2. What do we need perspectives and theories?
3. What are the basic premises of sociology of knowledge?
4. Describe Emile Durkheim's call for non-reductionism sociology.
5. What is social differentiation? What is it historically significant?
6. Why did Auguste comte promote the idea of positivist or empirical sociology?
7. According to Max Weber, what are the different types of authority? How do different types of authority historically evolve?
8. Assess Max Weber's claim that Protestantism led to the rise of capitalism.
9. What are primary and secondary groups? What is the evolutionary pattern of such groups?
10. Briefly describe the evolution of sociology in Nepal.
Unit 2: Structural-Functional perspective
1. Differentiate between the key arguments of structural – functional and conflict /Marxist perspectives.
2. What are the similarities and differences between the ways of Durkheim and parson's understanding of society?
3. How do you compare and contrast the structural –functional model followed by Durkheim and Malinowski to interpret human culture and society?
4. Discuss the functional role of social stratification.
5. Compare the functionalist formulation followed by B.Malinowski and R.K Merton to society?
6. Understand human social relations.
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